Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bad Timing

Poor Clint Eastwood. From time time to time, I've used events in the news to make comments on otherwise unrelated movies. Once in a while it's silly; sometimes a bit more serious; sometimes I wouldn't be surprised if I offend people (although in defese I'd argue that spectacle was more offensive than my post). But I'm just a little blogger not making any money off of this thing.

Now, Clint Eastwood didn't intend to do anything wrong, and to be honest, he's quite blameless. It was just an incredible stroke of bad luck about scheduling his latest movie Hereafter in foreign markets:

A division of Warner Brothers said that it would pull the Clint Eastwood movie Hereafter from theaters in Japan following the earthquake and tsunami that have devastated the country, The Associated Press reported. Hereafter, which was released in Japanese theaters in February and was scheduled to be shown there through late March, follows several characters who are affected by death and near-death experiences, including a journalist played by Cécile de France who is caught in Thailand during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

I haven't seen Hereafter, generally preferring classic movies, as well as not wanting to pay for the "privilege" of going to the local sixtyplex at the mall and watch a bunch of CGI which would be better off in classic black and white since they're only using color for the explosions anyway. It might be a quite good movie; it's just one that somebody who's lived through another earthquake and tsunami might not want to see right now.

Or, as the studio publicity flack said,

On Monday, Satoru Otani, an official at Warner Entertainment Japan Inc., told The A.P. that the tsunami sequences in the film were "not appropriate" at the present time and that the film would no longer be shown.

Really! What ever gave you that idea?

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