Tonight sees another night of the infrequent (well, it seems to be once every three months) series Treasures from the Disney Vault on TCM. This month, most of the movies seem to be about animals, with the exception of Follow Me, Boys! at 8:15 PM. That's one of those movies Fred MacMurray did for Disney after he decided from doing the TV series My Three Sons that he wanted easy, family-friendly stuff to do when the TV show was on hiatus.
Elsewhere in the evening, we get a block of Chip and Dale shorts at 11:30 PM, followed at midnight by The Incredible Journey, in which three pets accidentally get abandoned on vacation in the wilder parts of Canada and have to make their way home. I recall reading the book when I was in elementary school, but can't recall if I saw the movie. The movie probably made it to Disney's TV show at some point, but that's already decades ago too.
For the traditional Disney characters, you've got Donald Duck in Good Scouts at 8:00 PM.
5 hours ago
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