Actress Teri Garr died back in October, and when I wrote a briefs post mentioning her death I thought that TCM would honor her in the December block with one of her movies. I was wrong, and in fact she's getting half a night of her movies tonight in prime time. Those movies are:
8:00 PM Young Frankenstein, Mel Brooks' parody of the Frankenstein story;
10:00 PM Oh, God!, which sees Garr play wife to John Denver, a man who is visited by God (George Burns) and asked to deliver His message to the world; and
Midnight The Black Stallion, about a boy (Kelly Reno) stranded on a desert island with the titular horse.
I actually have The Black Stallion on my DVR, as TCM ran it back in December when Mickey Rooney (picking up his I think sixth and final Oscar nomination) was Star of the Month. I haven't watched it yet to do a post on it, and while today might have been a good time to do that post in conjunction with the Garr tribute, I decided to hold off since I've already got another post coming up later today on a movie that's airing tomorrow. That, and I actually have several Rooney movies to get through over the next several months. The other surprise is that Close Encounters of the Third Kind is not one of the movies selected for the tribute.
Unrelated, but I should also probably apologize for my horrible proof-reading ever since I started getting ahead of the game in doing movie posts. Back when I started the blog, I'd usually write up a post and immediately post it to the blog, then look at the blog where I'd be able to see if what I just posted had some sort of horrible formatting error. Blogger has a bit of a glitch in that closing a paragraph block doesn't seem to remove other formatting, so if I forget to close a bold or italics tag, that formatting takes over the rest of the blog. Since I schedule the posts quite a few days out now -- I think I'm currently closing in on three weeks ahead -- I don't notice the errors until the posts are actually published.
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