Tuesday, March 11, 2025

TCM's Quincy Jones memorial

Record producer and sometime composer Quincy Jones died back in November at the age of 91. With Christmas and then 31 Days of Oscar, it took a little time for TCM to get the movies together to do a memorial tribute, but that tribute is coming up tonight in prime time, with five films of scores by Jones:

8:00 PM In the Heat of the Night
10:00 PM In Cold Blood
12:30 AM The Getaway
2:45 AM The Anderson Tapes
4:45 AM The Split

Looking through Jones' filmography, there are some other films I wouldn't have minded seeing show up, but then they would have had to pre-empt some other schedule ideas. I actually have The Out-of-Towners on my DVR and recently watched it, but the review is going to come up some time later, since I already had something else on the TCM schedule to blog about today and have a bunch of stuff coming up that I've already written posts for.

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