Thursday, July 27, 2023

Thursday Movie Picks, July 27, 2023: Con artists (TV edition)

This being Thursday, it's time for another edition of Thursday Movie Picks, the blogathon run by Wandering Through the Shelves. This being the last Thursday of the month, it's time for another TV-themed edition, and this month, that theme is "Con Artists". I have to admit that I stretched the theme slightly to come up with three shows to talk about:

It Takes a Thief (1968-1970). Robert Wagner plays the titular thief, who is in prison when he gets an offer from the federal government: we'll give you your freedom if you do some stealing for us. Late in the series' run, Fred Astaire showed up for a few episodes as Wagner's father to take an easy paycheck.

Frank Abagnale on To Tell the Truth (1977). If you recall the movie Catch Me If You Can, this episode was used in the movie, with Leonardo DiCaprio digitally edited into the show in place of Frank Abagnale. This is more or less the original episode, including the other game in the second half of the show. I suppose one could also say the two imposters in each segment are also engaging in a con of a sort....

Fight Back! With David Horowitz (early 1980s). Consumer reporter David Horowitz hosted this show about how not to be scammed by the scammers and how to fight back if you did get scammed, as well as some Consumer Reports-sytle "news you can use" (in this episode, testing various brands of popcorn against each other).

1 comment:

ThePunkTheory said...

Oh I was not aware of the whole Catch me if you Can bit!