This being the Martin Luther King Day holiday, TCM is once again showing a bunch of movies either with prominent black cast members, or casts that are almost entirely black. Robert Osborne sat down with director Charles Burnett several years back on MLK Day for a night of Burnett's films. That's when I first came across My Brother's Wedding, airing at 8:00 PM. If memory serves, it was one of the later films that evening so I didn't stay up to watch the whole thing; I suppose then that it's good this film is back on the TCM lineup, as the little I saw looked at least interesting, and more accessible than his better-known Killer of Sheep (not on today's lineup).
The other surprise is The Defiant Ones, airing at 6:15 PM. No, it's not a surprise that it's on the lineup. What surprised me is that TCM lists it in its schedule as not available for purchase on DVD. Apparently it had a DVD release many years back, but is now out of print. You can get it at Amazon, but it's not cheap.
There are a couple of other good movies airing in the morning lineup, but they're also available on DVD so I don't have to mention them right now.
1 hour ago
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