So I was listening to Polish Radio's English-lanugage broadcast from this past Wednesday, and there was a story that by itself would be interesting enough: Poland honors American pilots for help decades ago. But the reason I'm talking about it here is because much of the story talks about Merian C. Cooper, probably best known for producing and directing King Kong.
The documentary I'm King Kong, about Cooper's life, does talk some about Cooper's time serving for Poland against the Soviet Union in the war just after World War I, but one thing I didn't know is that one of Cooper's ancestors was apparently a Revolutionary War colone who tried to save Polish general Casimir Pulaski during the Battle of Savannah; remember that Tadeusz Kościuszko had brought over a legion of soldiers to help the colonists fight. Family legend supposedly had it that if Poland were ever fighting for its freedom, that one of the Coopers should come to their aid. Or at least that's the story Polish Radio is telling. Cooper's experiences formed the basis for a Polish movie of the interwar period, but the Soviets destroyed all known copies of it after World War II.
The first link above has an option to listen to the story via streaming audio, but you can also download it directly here, a 4.5 MB MP3 file that should run a little under five minutes.
TCM Star of the Month: Barbara Stanwyck
20 minutes ago
This great story and Newsmax gives a great summary of Merian Cooper's heroic accomplishments in the Polish Bolshevik war 19 19–21 . It is a must read.
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