Friday, January 29, 2021

Happy Anniversary to me!

It was 13 years ago today that I wrote one of those "Hello World" posts that I guess were a thing back when blogging was bigger and lots of people had longer-form print blogs. In that time, I've tried to write a post every day, foiled a couple of times by internet outages and I think once by simply forgetting to type up a post. Some days I have more than one thing to post about, or more sadly I find out that some old-time actor died after writing what was intended to be the one post for the day, so in those 13 years I've closed in on 6000 posts, something I think is going to happen in December if I keep up the current rate of posting.

I've kept up the mostly text blogging, with some use of stills or in more recent years, embedding video, even as internet trends have changed over the years. There's photo blogs, video blogs on Youtube, and increasingly, podcasts. I especially haven't thought about doing the podcasting or video blogs for a couple of reasons. One is that I don't have a good camera for doing a video blog, and then there's the fact that I have a face for radio but worse, not the voice for radio. Seriously, I worked at my college radio station and they wouldn't let me anywhere near doing voiceovers for ads because of my terrible voice! There's also the fact that it's so much quicker to read a post than to sit through a rambling video of a talking head talking.

Unfortunately, I think the long-term decline of the text blog has also lead to a decline in my already paltry readership. For a little bit last year I was posting on Twitter about any new post that went up, at least the ones that were actual movie reviews, but I wasn't particularly diligent about keeping that up. I should probably get back into it.

Here's to 13 more years of great old movies!

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