Thursday, July 4, 2024

TCM Star of the Month July 2024: Eva Marie Saint

Eva Marie Saint and Karl Malden in On the Waterfront (July 4, 8:00 PM)

We're into a new month, which as always means that we get new programming subjects on TCM. For the Star of the Month, TCM is giving us the films of Eva Marie Saint, mostly because today, July 4, is her 100th birthday. Not that Saint made a whole lot of movies; TCM's tribute contains 15 or 16 of them, I think (there's a TBA slot and tonight includes her 2014 appearance at the TCM Film Festival). Those movies will air every Thursday in prime time.

Of course, Saint won the Oscar for On the Waterfront, so it's no surprise that this is the movie that kicks off the salute. Coming up on the 11th is Raintree County, which will be the subject of a full-length post. It aired early this year and again in June. I was thinking about doing a post on it in June, but when I noticed that Saint was Star of the Month in July and Raintree County would be airing, I decided to hold that post back since I had several other movies that were on my DVR and coming up on TCM to post about.

To be honest, I didn't have a whole lot of photos of Saint, and I've been remiss in not getting screenshots/publicity shots from movies to illustrate my posts with. The one other Saint photo I could find on my hard drive was of her, Don Murray, and Lloyd Nolan in A Hatful of Rain, which concludes tonight's Saint lineup in the early hours of the morning. It's another fine dramatic performance. I first blogged about it in 2011, but the photo was from a birthday salute to Lloyd Nolan (a very underrated supporting actor) in 2014.

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