Saturday, April 11, 2009

Administrative test

I'm a fan of Alfred Hitchcock, and have probably recommended a good 15 of his movies.  TCM are showing a bunch of his 1940s movies tonight in prime time, and I think I've recommended all of them before:
Saboteur kicks off the night at 8:00 PM ET;
Shadow of a Doubt follows at 10:00 PM;
Foreign Correspondent is at midnight between Saturday and Sunday (still Saturday evening in more westerly time zones);
Rebecca, Oscar's Best Picture of 1940, is at 2:15 AM Sunday; and
Spellbound airs at 4:30 AM Sunday.
That being said, the real reason for this post is a test of Blogger's post-by-email function, which I haven't used before.  If the formatting of this post looks noticeably different from previous posts, that would explain why.

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