I didn't think to look until this afternoon what tonight's TCM lineup is, and it's one that looks interesting, being three Rankin/Bass (the folks responsible for the stop-motion Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer) movies that are new to me. Unfortunately, I don't have enough room on my DVR for them.
Tomorrow starts Memorial Day weekend, which means we get a bunch of war movies on TCM. We're going to get a few on FXM, but only on Monday from 6AM to 3PM. So be prepared for a couple of war movies in the upcoming reviews. (I also missed TCM's showing of Underground back on the 14th; I had recently watched an earlier airing of it and didn't realize it was going to be on again so soon or I would have blogged about it then.)
The other genre that's going to be showing up a bit frequently in my upcoming posts is the biopic, as I've got one planned for the Memorial Day war films and there are some others running on TCM's Tuesday night lineup of amazing women.
I think I may finally get around to cleaning up my blogroll this weekend, adding a blog or two and seeing if any have gone dormant. I've been meaning to do it for a while.
Quick Preview of TCM in April
2 hours ago
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