Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thursday Movie Picks #324: Journalism (TV edition)

This being Thursday, it's time for another edition of Thursday Movie Picks, the blogathon run by Wandering Through the Shelves. This being the last Thursdy of the month, the theme is journalism, which right away cuts out any TV news show since those are all engaging in propaganda, regurgitating government-sector press releases and trying to induce panic. So to do journalism, I had to go back rather a good ways for my three selections:

The Adventures of Superman (1952-1958). George Reeves plays the superhero, whose disguise is as Clark Kent, a reporter for the Daily Planet; two different actresses played Lois Lane.

Lou Grant (1977-1982). After The Mary Tyler Moore Show was cancelled with pretty much everybody at the Minneapolis TV station where she worked got fired, her boss Lou Grant (Ed Asner) goes to Los Angeles and takes a job as editor of the Tribune. Where The Mary Tyler Moore Show was a comedy, Lou Grant was a drama.

Goodnight, Beantown (1983-1984). Bill Bixby plays the evening news anchor at a TV station in Boston who due to poor ratings gets saddled with a female co-anchor in the form of Mariette Hartley. They're also neighbors away from the station, which I guess the writers thought was necessary to make more storylines possible.

1 comment:

Birgit said...

We match with Superman! I always watched this show and would like to see it now. Amazing how famous it was back in the day. I picked Mary Tyler Moore I stead of Lou Grant. I tried to get into Lou Grant but just never did, not sure why. I forgot about Beantown and I remember watching it but don’t recall much. Those 2 had such chemistry.