Thursday, April 29, 2021

Hot Dog

I hadn't done a post on a short in a while, in part because TCM isn't listing what shorts are in the schedule ever since the website changed formats. I bought the Dogville collection some time back, so I decided to put one of the DVDs in and watch one of the shorts, Hot Dog.

I think this is the first of the Dogville shorts, since there's almost no plot here and it's not focused on parodying other movies the way later entries in the series did. Instead, the first half of the short focuses on a nightclub and pans over most of the customers while showing a bit of the floor shot. One female dog is there with a male dog who is not her husband. The husband shows up, a shooting occurs, and then there's a trial. That's about it.

Hot Dog is also the weakest of the Dogville shorts I've seen so far, and it's not the first one I'd show to people, but I'm glad that it's on the box set.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Never heard of it before but sounds good.