Sunday, May 28, 2023

Happy Pentecost!

Apparently, today is one of those lesser-known Christian observances, except that, somewhat surprisingly, some otherwise relatively secular European countries use it as an excuse to make the following Monday a public holiday since it falls at a convenient time on the calendar to have a holiday in between Easter and the start of summer. In any case, I decided to use the occasion to do a relatively brief post on a religious-themed movies I recently watched mostly for the title, Nude Nuns with Big Guns.

Obviously, with a title like Nude Nuns with Big Guns, one goes into it thinking that it's not about the plot, but about the nude nuns and the big guns. But even so, there needs to be something holding it all together. That nominal plot has to do with illicit drugs and a portion of the Catholic Church that's exploiting its nuns. The film starts off with a priest driving a bus which has a half dozen or so nervous nuns, stopping in the middle of the desert for a drug deal. The deal goes bad because one of the nuns decided not to hand over her share of the drugs, and the drug dealers kill several of the nuns looking for that valise full of heroin.

These nuns took their vows and were then basically coerced into processing the drugs, with the priests doing it working in cahoots with a biker gang led by Chavo. The gang's headquarters is at a service station even more isolated than what's in The Painted Desert or Heat Lightning, and in a gratuitous scene that doesn't really advance the plot, when a family of normies shows up the gang rapes the mother and daughter. The gang also owns a chain of topless bars.

Meanwhile, one of the nuns, Sister Sarah (I'm not certain whether this was a deliberate homage to Two Mules for Sister Sara or not) is able to get her hands on the titular big gun, and breaks away from the convent, feeling she's on a mission from God to extract revenge. Now, you'd think she'd be smart and go around in civilian clothing to do so, since she's fairly clearly renouncing her vows by violating that little commandment about "thou shalt not kill". But then, she's on a holy war, and the commandment is really "thou shalt not murder", so this could be seen as execution even though the Catholic Church is pretty strongly opposed to capital punishment. But continuing to wear a nun's habit makes Sarah a highly visible target. But again, don't expect a well thought out plot.

With all that, Nude Nuns with Big Guns is still a wildly uneven movie. We don't expect much more than an over-the-top revenge fantasy that's loaded up with nudity, sex, violence, and bad language. We get that, and some of the scenes are fun. But unsurpisingly, the acting is no good, while the production values, particularly the cinematography are somehow off as well.

If you're looking for an exploitation film, you could do worse than Nude Nuns with Big Guns. For more of the normal fare I proffer around here, you'll have to wait another day.

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