Tuesday, May 2, 2023

TCM's Gina Lollobrigida tribute

Gina Lollobrigida with Burt Lancaster and Tony Curtis in a promotional photo for Trapeze (not part of tonight's tribute)

Italian actress Gina Lollobrigida died back in January at the age of 95. Because of various programming bits such as 31 Days of Oscar in March and then the 100th anniversary salute to Warner Bros. last month, it took a while for TCM to get together a programming tribute to her. But that tribute is finally coming tonight, with a lineu of six of her movies leading into tomorrow morning, including at least one I hadn't heard of:

Come September, a romantic comedy with Rock Hudson that's as much an excuse to photograph a bunch of lovely European locations as anything else, kicks off the night at 8:00 PM;
Also made in Europe is the comedy Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell, at 10:00 PM;
I haven't heard of Fanfan la Tulipe, on at midnight, before; it's one of Lollobrigida's early pre-Hollywood movies;
Woman of Straw at 2:00 AM is another one I haven't seen, and looks like one of those 60s suspense movies that sounds better than it probably is;
The war drama Never So Few follows at 4:00 AM; and
Concluding the proceedings is Hotel Paradiso at 6:30 AM.

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