As you can see from my location, I live in the middle of nowhere -- more specifically, that middle of nowhere is up in the Catskill Park preserve of New York state. American readers will know that this part of the country is about to get socked in with a nice snowfall. It doesn't look as though it's going to warm much in the next week either, so there's a very good chance we're going to get a white Christmas. Speaking of which, I noticed yesterday that the movie White Christmas showed up on AMC, presumably interrupted by a zillion commercials. So for those of you who want to complain that TCM doesn't get your favorite Christmas movie, well, there are other channels trying to get them too. In never ceases to amaze me -- and in some senses infuriate -- that there seem to be people who think TCM can just get any movie they want, and how dare TCM not show whatever movie the complainers have gotten a bee in their bonnet about.
Anyhow, the above rant isn't really the reason for this morning's post. A few weeks back I mentioned TCM's irregular Night at the Movies series since the latest installment was airing. Tomorrow morning at 11:15 AM, TCM is showing the episode on Christmas movies that first aired a couple of Christmases ago. It's part of their Sunday afternoon movie bits that are giving us an appetizer of Christmas movies before the real thing begins this coming week in prime time. There's the 1938 version of A Christmas Carol at 10:00 AM, which is going to be airing again in the Thursday night prime time lineup as TCM has an entire night of movies based on Dickens' A Christmas Carol.
After A Night at the Movies, at 12:15 PM, is Holiday Affair, in which Robert Mitchum shows Janet Leigh that Wendell Corey is an utter drip. This one is going to be on again in the Tuesday prime time lineup.
And, at 2:00 PM, you can see The Bishop's Wife, which will be running again on Christmas Eve, although that airing is in the overnight hours. In searching my blog for the original posts on these movies, I notice that I mentioned both of them briefly in the same post about repeat Christmas movies, for whatever that's worth. But then, there are only so many Christmas movies out there.
Lois Hardwick
51 minutes ago
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