This being Thursday, it's time for another edition of Thursday Movie Picks, the blogathon run by Wandering Through the Shelves. This week is a very different one for me, the theme being 2019 movies I'm looking forward to. The reason it's different is that there aren't any movies I'm looking forward to.
There are several reasons for this. One is that I don't follow particularly closely what movies will be coming out in the future, so I don't know that I'd be able to think of much in the way of movies coming out next year, never mind ones I'd be interested in seeing. I should add that I'm not just saying that because of my love of older movies. I've blogged about a couple of movies that came out after I started the blog, with at least two from this decade. OK, that doesn't sound like a lot, and it isn't, but give me something interesting to watch and I'll give it a try.
The second reason is that when it comes to movies that are scheduled far enough in advance that we know they're coming out next year, it always seems to be the blockbusters, and those -- especially the comic-book superhero movies -- are a genre that doesn't particularly interest me. Looking at other people's selections, I see a lot of such blockbusters and series movies.
And then there's the big reason, which is that we don't have a local theater to watch Hollywood movies any more. Our local multiplex closed in August, being in a dying mall that's a depressing place to visit I stepped foot in the mall once about a year and a half ago and it was nearly deserted; the last time I was at the theater was in 2016 to watch a weekday matinee of Florence Foster Jenkins. There was me and one older couple in the theater. The last time I looked at the local arthouse's website, they were promoting the latest Michael Moore propaganda film, and I think there are some second run theaters. Or at least there certainly used to be; I have no idea how many of those are still open.
William McCall
13 hours ago
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