Today was another day where I couldn't really think of what to blog about. I looked at the upcoming TCM schedule, and saw that Dial M For Murder is on it, tomorrow at noon. It's a movie that certainly deserves a full-length blog post, and, as it turns out, I already did that four and a half years ago.
So, when I was looking down the blogroll, I noticed that one of the blogs has an announcement for a blogathon: the What a Character! blogathon for 2015. Ooh, I enjoy character actors, I thought, so this looks interesting.
The blogathon will be coming up in November, so I'm going to have to remember to actually do a post on the character actor of my choice, although I'll probably just do one well ahead of time and schedule it to show up on the day in question.
It also gave me an idea for a blogathon I might like to start, although my blog tends to be low enough traffic that I'd have to really go out and almost spam other blogs' comment threads to publicize it. :-(
TCM Star of the Month: Barbara Stanwyck
8 hours ago
1 comment:
Cool! I'll check out that link and see if I can get in on that, as well. Looking forward to your blogathon. Since I've got you in my blogroll, I shouldn't miss it.
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