Leslie Howard (c.) in The Petrified Forest (1936), on overnight tonight at 3:30 AM
Now that we're in the first full week of a new month, it's time for a new Star of the Month: Leslie Howard, a successful British import in Hollywood in the 1930s who turned to the war effort and ultimately died for it. Probably Howard's most famous role is as Ashley Wilkes, the man Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh) lusts after, in Gone With the Wind. That's airing at 9:45 PM this evening.
On this first night of the Star of the Month retrospective, we also get a new-to-me documentary: Leslie Howard: The Man Who Gave a Damn. It kicks off the night at 8:00 PM, and as is often the case with TCM documentaries, there's a second airing for the benefit of people on the west coast, after Gone With the Wind at 1:45 AM. There's only one other Howard movie on this first Monday, the aforementioned The Petrified Forest. But we get rather more over the next three weeks.
One movie that doesn't seem to be on the schedule, however, is Intermezzo: A Love Story. I also don't see the short From the Four Corners, although that one may get added later since TCM tends to schedule shorts later.
Noirsville Tune of the Week
1 hour ago
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