Thursday, May 30, 2019

Shorts report for May 30-31, 2019

I don't think I've mentioned shorts in some time, so I decided to do a write-up this morning. I see that TCM is running one of the Sidney Blackmer Teddy Roosevelt shorts, Teddy the Rough Rider, this afternoon at about 1:10 PM, in the slot with the Cary Grant Monkey Business (starts at 11:30 AM).

One of the monthly spotlights is on the homefront during World War II, and interestingly, TCM picked a couple of shorts to go with it. First up around 7:45 PM, just before the spotlight, is Seeing Hands, a Pete Smith short I've mentioned on a couple of previous occasions, about a blind man's contribution to the war effort.

In the slot following The Best Years of Our Lives, or just after 11:00 PM tonight, there's Of Pups and Puzzles, a John Nesbitt Passing Parade short about using animals in doing aptitude tests for providing labor in gearing up for the coming war.

And finally, a little after 5:15 AM, there's Marines in the Making, one that I haven't seen before, an MGM short on the physical training of Marines.

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