I mentioned back on Sunday that I'd have to get around to adding the blog Dell on Movies to my blogroll, which I eventually did. I suppose I should also go through my blogroll to look at which blogs haven't posted for a while to remove some dormant blogs and possibly add some new ones. I've only got my site set up to show the 10 most recent blogs to be updated, in part because I don't want a huge list of blogs taking up space. I've mentioned I'm on a creaky XP box, and tend to prefer more minimalist site design.
I also noticed that Blogger changed the captcha software they've been using. Previously it had just been to type in the word you saw, or maybe type in a number off a house sign. But they changed it to something awful, and I decided to get rid of it. Who knows how much spam I'll get; it's not as if there was much in the automatically marked as spam section.
TCM Star of the Month: Barbara Stanwyck
24 minutes ago
Thanks for adding me. I never used the blogger capcha and in over 5 years I can count the amount of spam comments I've gotten on my hands. So hopefully you won't have a problem.
Thanks for adding me. I never used the blogger capcha and in over 5 years I can count the amount of spam comments I've gotten on my hands. So hopefully you won't have a problem.
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