So the Stockholm Film Festival has been on for the past several days, and will be running through November 12. Radio Sweden covered it last week, and there's an audio report (I think streaming only, sorry) at the link above, just before the text. To be honest, the impression I got from the piece is that the reporter especially was more interested in the people making the movies at the festival than the movies themselves.
More interesting was an interview with Bruno Tillander, who recently wrote a book in Swedish that is going to be released in English at the end of the month, on Elvis Presley. Tillander apparently interviewed several people, such as Presley's hairdresser, who aren't so well known, for this portrait of the singer/actor. The interview itself, at the first link in this paragraph and also with streaming audio, is actually a joint interview with Tillander and a man who was deputy sheriff in Memphis in the 1970s and has some very interesting stories to tell about Elvis, and having to provide security at Graceland once Elvis died. It's also fun to hear his extreme southern hospitality oozing throughout the interview.
The last time I checked, the full-length programs at the Radio Sweden website remain up for a month after broadcast, so the streaming audio of these segments might only be up for another three and a half weeks or so.
Noirsville Tune of the Week
1 hour ago
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