Tomorrow is March 1 already. Let's hope spring isn't far behind, although that's not quite the point of this blog. A new month normally means new features on TCM, but we're not going to get them until after March 3, since we're stillin 31 Days of Oscar. The Star of the Month, Silent Sunday Nights and Imports, and Friday Night spotlight will have to wait until later next week. The only thing coming up on the TCM schedule before Sunday prime time that I really care about is Gold Diggers of 1933, which I've apparently never done a full-length post on. That's because early on when I started the blog, I did that long paragraph that you an read in the link above. Ever since then, I've been thinking that I actually did a fell-length post on the movie, when that's the most there is.
A new month on FXM, however, means that movies that have been stuck in the vault for a while will be coming out for a bit. The Quiller Memorandum. It will be getting two airings in the near future, tomorrow morning at 11:05 AM, and then Monday, March 2 at 7:25 AM. It's not particularly special for the "serious" 1960s spy movie, but I like seeing the Berlin style as it really was back in the day. If you haven't seen it before, it's worth a watch, although I don't know whether FXM will have it in the correct aspect ratio.
TCM in March: Highlights
4 hours ago
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